It's worse than being brokenhearted.

I am very emotional right now. It's been a few days since I watched the last episode of Sense8 and I am still in wreck. I cannot believe this show has been cancelled. There's a lot of thoughts going on in my head. I've been hearing this show even before, but when I read the summary at Wikipedia, I wasn't interested at that time. I am more into police procedural, medical, political or legal dramas rather than fantasies or sci-fi shows. 

The thing is, I find it really unfair that show as this beautiful, wonderful and has a lot of things to relate to has been cancelled like that while reality shows and others who are just giving toxicity are being glorified. I understand that it isn't easy to fund the show as it was being shot at different countries and cities and the man power needed would be massive, but it makes me ask if they did something about it. They are happy that Sense8 fans are really passionate but their numbers really didn't made that much impact. I read a comment in youtube that Netflix didn't really promoted Sense8 that much, to which I agree.

Now I can agree that it might be a reason. I lurk around the internet, browsing what shows to watch and while I encountered Sense8 a very few times, I haven't really heard or read any advertisement about it. I watched Altered Carbon when I saw a commercial at the start of a certain youtube video I was watching and liked the promo. Now, worlds may be changing and advertising is easier now than ever, but I really hope they really fought for Sense8 before they gave up like this.

I won't be ungrateful for the upcoming 2-hour finale special because there's tons of series that got cancelled and having a 2-hour finale special to wrap up the show is quite a miracle.

Although deep inside me, I want a few more seasons as the storyline of each characters as well as the whole plot is very interesting and explorable, as well as the world of the Sensates. It's just like the start, a peek at their worlds. The other cluster wasn't also given proper introduction and it frustrates me so much knowing that some questions might be answered at the special episode but I also believe that more questions will also raise.

How can you wrap up a storyline that big and beautiful in just two hours?

For the last few days, I can get by with these fan made videos in youtube but at the end of the day, I cry and tear up because I know that the possibilities will not be possible anymore. There's just so much thing that this show showed me, and the powerful things that they represent to me and to every fans is just precious. Not just on being an LGBTQ+ member but also to being different, to being broken, to being alone, to finding family in a group of strangers, and to finding happiness even at the darkest hour.

Kala and Wolfgang haunts me even on my sleep. I want to know what will happened next. I want to keep on seeing them together. Their chemistry is so dang good that it makes me mad knowing that there's a chance that they might not become together at the finale because of so much other things that the special episode to focus on. That would be unforgivable. 

I feel so damn sad and broken right now. I feel this intense frustration. I wish I could have watched this before. Maybe I could have done something. There's a lot of what ifs.

Browsing through comments on youtube videos I watched, there's a lot of new fans there that are feeling the same way as I am. The show is good, but the people who would have liked or loved to watch it didn't know it exists at the time that it was showing, thus, they didn't reach the number they were wanting. It pains me that this will just end to this.

Every character in Sense8 is something that everyone can relate to even just for a few little things. It is relatable because it talks and tackles the hardships not just the victories, to being alone and sad not just being happy, to lying and being freed from the lie, to anger and violence and not just the normal and the success. It has a lot of elements that brings positivity, not toxicity.

But there's only so much that I can do but to write my emotion in this blog post. 

This will not be the last post about Sense8, I know that.

But for now, this will do. I feel like my heart's going to explode because of the pain, frustration and madness.

And I can only wish that the special episode would be something that I can hold on to.

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